voice biometrics in banking featured image
Voice Biometrics

Voice Biometrics in Banking

Why Voice Biometrics In Banking Is The Future Of Online Banking Banks have to constantly stay on top of the best methods for authentication to combat online fraud. Traditionally, banks have used knowledge-based authentication methods like PINs, passwords, and one-time passwords. Now, the demand for contactless and seamless technologies has

How to Use Omnichannel Analytics to Optimize Customer Service featured image
Omnichannel Analytics

How to Use Omnichannel Analytics to Optimize Customer Service

Technology has significantly boosted customer services and lowered brand-to-consumer response times. Technology has propelled customer service by speeding up communications, driving convenience, maintaining self-serve options, and enabling targeted marketing campaigns. Customers have become more technologically aware, and thus, they favor digital channels that reduce the need for live agents. Devising

How Can Conversational AI Boost ROI in Insurance featured image
Contact Center Automation, Conversational AI

How Can Conversational AI Boost ROI in Insurance

The insurance sector is today at crossroads between digital transformation and customer retention. There is an urgent need to address customer needs, develop new customer acquisition/retention models, and most importantly ensure a great CX. Managing business operations manually and following traditional methods may be overwhelming for the companies to meet

Customer Service Automation

Why Should Brands Add Voicebot Solutions to Inbound Customer Service

Sales of voice-activated smart speakers exceeded 150 million units in 2020, showing that voice-assistance-based customer experience solutions are now firmly entrenched in the consumer space. The natural next step is to offer inbound customer service via intelligent conversational AI assistants like voicebots. Chatbots are already prevalent with 80% of customers